Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh Boy...

So I have decided to retry teaching myself guitar. Several years back
I wanted to learn guitar and I got one for Christmas but I never pushed myself hard enough to get anywhere. Well, now I have a sad and lonely instrument suffering with want of use.
With 'Guitar for Dummies' in hand and a shark tooth in place of a pick I am setting
off on a scary and bumpy journey... and now I am realizing that song about playing till your fingers bleed just might be true. Ouchies... my fingers hurt!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Okee Dokee

So I am somewhat new to this whole blogging thing so please excuse the first few awkward steps.
A few things about myself:
I am part of a crazy family and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I spent a term at the Swiss L'Abri last year. It was wonderful and I am hoping to go again someday... maybe the English L'Abri.
I am going to be an intern with MTW somewhere unknown to myself at this time. I am SUPER excited about it and I will be posting regular updates about it as things progress. In fact, that is the main reason I am doing this blog thing. It seems that this will be the best way to keep everyone updated on my time with MTW.
Hopefully in the future I will have more interesting things to talk about... but until then I am signing off.