Friday, March 14, 2008


So I was asked to be a chaperon this weekend on the Haycock Youth retreat. I love to help anyway I can but I still feel a little weird! Kate Kelly is now a chaperon... does that sound weird to anyone else? Jeepers... I am now feeling the guilt from all my years past when I was part of keeping the chaperons on similar trips awake for hours and hours past midnight... So ironic how when we look back we have that 20/20 vision we didn't realize we were without at the time.
I am sure there won't be any trouble though, it is a great group of kids going...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dublin, Ireland!!

Today I received the official invite from the church in Dublin to be an intern with their ministry! I am so excited! Earlier I saw a new email in my inbox that had an attachment. It looked like it might have been a virus email so I deleted it. Turns out it was the invite! So I had to have MTW resend it to me... Jeepers.


Monday, March 3, 2008

66 degrees!!!

Is it just me, or has Aslan returned to Narnia??? It is a glorious 66 degrees outside and I was able to drive home today with the car windows down. The air is finally beginning to kind of smell like spring is around the corner. Wow, I miss spring and summer! Even though all the trees still look dead and depressing I am amazed by how much the sunshine and temperature can affect how I feel.
Hooray for Aslan!