Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm not sure...

I am not quite sure where in my heart, mind, or soul to store this feeling of disgust/remorse/awe... I just heard a rather odd noise coming from the dining room... after certain failures (by our 2 cats) earlier today concerning a mouse we found in our front room you would think I might have expected this... (Right now is is past 1 AM and I had to turn my computer on specially to record this) There were some very loud pooms and scratchety struggling noises coming from the front 2 rooms... Emmi walks out with said mouse hanging from her petite face holding her head high... I call up the stairs for my dad (I know) and mom... they come down quickly, in their PJ's, mom with camera in hand. (everything about today needed to have the closure of photographic evidence of the poor little mouse's noble death)... Emmi then begins the dance of horror, you know when cats just play with their semi wounded prey? It's like watching a train wreck... it is so terrible but maybe I can blame The Crocodile Hunter or something on Discovery or Animal Planet during my childhood for my inability to look away... After cheering silently for the little guy who so valiantly fought off and evaded 2 cats all day in our front room (you seriously gotta give the guy some points for that) Emmi finally did him in. Ok, I think after a moment of watching her playfully batting his dead little body around the dining room, that was sick and twisted... And I moved on, I have seen this before... I turned my computer off and was about to go upstairs to bed... That's when I heard the odd noise... I couldn't quite tell what it was so I turned the light on... Emmi was actually eating the mouse! Maybe there was some innocent and totally naive remnant inside of me that just thought things ended when I left the room... or that the cats really don't like mouse meat, they just enjoy the hunt and leave the dead little bodies to their loving and wonderful humans to discover the first moment their feet hit the floor in the morning... but no... I had the grotesque privilege to learn otherwise... Emmi is a fierce and relentless carnivore and she crushes bones... beware folks...


Barbaranne said...

Honey, if Emmi liked us better she would have left the mouse for us to find- probably right at the bedroom door... Better it disappear quietly. Next time, allow her her privacy and your ignorance will remain bliss.

reneamac said...

Hey, friend! I just found this. Glad you're doing well and to be able to keep up with what's going on in your world.

Kate Kelly said...

Hey! How did you find me? I hope you are doing wonderfully =) sorry my blog isn't more up on things... hopefully very soon I will be able to blog more! on the 24th I am headed to Dublin to work with a church in the city! I cannot wait to keep everyone updated!

John Schuchman said...

I threw up my dinner reading about that mouse :p