Monday, September 22, 2008

So Close!

Hey every body! Just thought I would share How Good God is! I am absolutely amazed by how He has been so faithful and patient with me through this process. The whole fund raising thing is not exactly something I am particularly gifted in or a fan of. Ever since I can remember I have never been in to fund raisers for school and so I never developed that side of my brain... I say all this because it is so obvious to me that the status of my fund raising has absolutely nothing to do with how crazy I have been these past months. God has brought in every penny so far and He will bring in the rest. I am amazed by how much he has blessed my efforts...

For my Monthly need I have 82% raised. For my One Time need I have 67% raised. What this means is that I still need $520.00 for each of the 11 months I am gone and $2,725.00 before I can leave.

I have set October 8th as when I need to leave. I did this because Abbey Church has a need that I am trying to fill as soon as possible. The previous interns have both returned to the states and now Alan Boal (Abbey's pastor) and the church are preparing for my arrival and are hoping it is sooner rather that later. I have that same hope. Please continue to pray that God will continue to mold me into the woman that He wants me to be and that he will provide quickly for me to go to Dublin.


Sharon Lucas said...

Kate, So glad to see support coming in. We do need to get together soon. Mrs. Lucas

Kate Kelly said...

I agree! =) give me a call when ever is good for you!